Sunday, February 29, 2004

1) If you had the chance to live anywhere, where would it be?

Mexico. Because Barbara is there.

2) If you had the chance to buy any one thing, what would it be?

A WWE championship and tag team championship.

3) If you could give one person one gift, under 1 million dollars, who and what would it be?

A car to Jose Sr.

4) If you could show something to a person without sight and it was the only thing they would ever see, what would it be?

A dog.

5) If you could stop anything, what would it be?

A fight in the WWE with my opponent.

6) If you could start something, what would it be?

A fight.

7) If you could change one thing about yourself that has nothing to do with your looks, what would it be?

I would be able to wrestle Brock Lesner for the championship.

8) If you could change one thing in a friend that has nothing to do with their looks, what would it be?

Their girlfriend.

9) If you had to choose between singing and whispering for the rest of your life, which would you choose?


10) If you could go back and live in any era, based solely on the fashion of that time, which would it be?

The Sixties in America.

11) If you had to choose an extremity to lose, which would it be?

My hair.

12) If you could choose any name other than yours to have, what would it be?

Mr. A.S.S. Billy Gun

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