Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hey yall just here on the internet listen to my cd player its really tight and i got it from my best buddy dan black it was a chirstmas present okay so i just got out of the shower after i went to take my dog gupo for a walk he relley liked it then we went to see michel our cousen i let gupo play with his cousan balley while me and michel talked the first thing i said was i want water okay here then i asked were are the girls there playing in nickels room so hows school okay did you just come back from an activity yeah me and my buddy went to see a movie then we went to get some icecream realley and he picks you up yep and then she said the bad news were moving to cancon why becuse my family lives there you just want to go becuse of your fathur no so were selling a couple of things and were giving you the keybored really yeah thanks a lot no problem then he started barking i think we better go okay i will get him come on boy okay guys thanks for coming say hi to your family sure will okay bye be carful i will thats it love your fraind luiscelopez.